Single Day Retreat

Join us for a restorative single day retreat this fall!

Needing an escape from the stress of your daily routine? Immerse yourself in nature and join us for a relaxing day of reflection Saturday, October 17th, for healing horseplay (no riding) and guided meditations.

Cost is $150 and includes all activities on site at Grateful Acres, water and snacks, and a healthy lunch. Event will be held from 9am - 4:30pm.

You can register either by submitting a $50 deposit or by paying in full now by clicking one of the links below.

Space is limited, so be sure to reserve your spot early!

Retreat Registration

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please enter the word that you see below.


Pay full amount here:

Pay $50 deposit here:

If you choose to pay the $50 deposit first and want to pay your balance at another time (but before the event), come back to this page and fill out invoice request form below.

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